better is better is better

Published December 18th, 2017 in 2015 and beyond, Pleasantly Positive | No Comments ยป

You'd think I would learn my will has better ends than many things. The only thing it hasn't done is made us overnight wealthy, but it's one of the things nobody can ever really say about me. Nobody can say I am not clever or persistent or lazy when I get my eyes on something. So my eyes scanned hundreds of ads trying to find a place for us. HUNDREDS. The problems ranged from the dog to price to location, and you better believe if someone wants close to $1100 from me for a closet I was going to find something way bigger which this building could only aspire to be. And so we did and it solves several problems one encounters while trying to live--the dog run is close, the laundry is closer and there's not a ton of stairs to ascend so there ya go. We got a thousand square feet, over double this place and cut Don's commute in half. So we won, ultimately, one battle in the war this life is leaving me fighting. I don't see it as winning against them, because I still see a huge loss in still all this action. I got in ...

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