anxiety is a wooden post you’ve swallowed

Published December 10th, 2017 in 2015 and beyond | No Comments ยป

Kinda feels like that, huh? i think it's the thing I probably need the most help with, but I've addressed the least. I guess there is a certain resilience people expect of you and you develop in these situations after a while. It's like people just expect you to just deal with it, which I do of course. But wouldn't it be nice to earn a little more empathy from the world around you? Yeah...I realize some of these little lessons I am getting are because...uh, I guess I haven't been tortured enough? I mean, come on now. But, articles like this seem to be resonating with me lately, because ultimately what has happened has been the ultimate rejection. Being left out? Well, being left homeless is about as left out as one could be in a family with so many different properties. In a family with means, one would think they would be more generous in their giving, but as I have said several times to myself in general realizations--nobody owes me a thing. And after 3.5 years of being here and paying rent and trying to manage things. Well, it appears we have worn out our welcome. Which ...

Category: 2015 and beyond

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