Christmas was…and then it wasn’t…

Published December 27th, 2017 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

I still harbor a little resentment with the ruining of only seems weird if people ask what we got. Wanna know what I got? AN INSTANT POT for Black Friday I bought for us both. That was what we got aside from the things my mother always sends us. The past 5 years we have had a small pile of stuff from my mother, usually a few gift cards, some Christmas stuff and that's usually our tradition. Don have all my money, when could I hide any from you? And he's right...when or how could he ever hide money when I know every dollar we have. Unfortunately this move left us a little short and after getting mini loans from the piggy--I promised him the last time was the LAST time. So this time when I realized we wouldn't have food for a few weeks I decided, on Christmas day no less, to apply for a payday loan. Payday loans are not what you might assume. I figured, fuck it, I need a hundred bucks, hell, two hundred would be golden. For a $200 loan you will pay approximately $342. Think I am joking, oh hell no. LOOK AT THIS: Advance ...

Category: 2000-2011

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