so, it’s here

Published March 13th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments »

The panic has finally arrived. We're all gonna die. No not all of us, just the sickest and some of our elderly. The virus has been in the news I read since January, though it seems pure panic has only recently set hold. This morning I was at the grocery store early, ready to get in and out quickly but it was mad chaos even at 7:30. All the canned goods were mauled. Lots of pasta, vanished. Suddenly everyone wasn't gluten free and ready to eat canned food like they never were before. I have an instant pot which makes dried beans the only choice, but it seems I am not the only one since there was none left of many.

Right now it isn't quite the time to fully panic, but neighborhoods and communities will be shut down because that is the nature of a virus. It is susceptible to the economic viability of a population to sustain and be able to take the hit. Someone always has to take the hit, and more often than not it is the weakest that suffer the most. They simply do not have the resources to suffer and take one for ...

musings and losing

Published March 11th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments »

So guys, definitely the world is going to get a bit crazy. I am struck by the recognition that this little virus running around is going to seem pretty elementary and rudimentary in a few years much like TB...but right now it is kind of a big deal. I know a bunch of people are now working from home, something I did exclusively for 6 years before I quit in November. You know that working in an industry like that would not be advisable right now if you are looking to calm stresses and fears--and I am especially prone to those musings because I am, I guess, largely traumatized. People have done a number on me, and typically, yeah, it's people that wreck or elevate us. Last week I literally destroyed all patterns of sleep and good behavior being anxious about soup, but there were underlying failures there because of the reasons behind it. Cook for him and he won't need to leave the room, and can avoid contact with unsavory viruses. Failing at that I took pretty personally, and really wasn't something I was ready to fail at.

This week's anxieties are Don and money. I don't know ...

Category: 2020

uh, so this ride sucks

Published March 10th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments »

This latest disaster should give us pause, not because it's going to kill a lot of people, but because it could have some longstanding affects in our social structure and community. I keep hoping people will wake up and understand that money is not a value, and our desperate worship of it has left the people without it in a very vulnerable place.

Right now we have to depend on the economic viability of our neighbors and the population not to spread it, but I am in the corner of that is wishful thinking since hospital bills are not cheap and neither is not being able to pay your rent and bills for a time. People will need to go to work and pay for food because that is what we have here--a bunch of people floating through with no safety net. The US has so long been enamored with the rich that they somehow have relegated the majority of the population to second place status with regards to laws enforced and money made. They get to buy favor and avoid paying taxes, all while a bunch of them refuse to pay you, the lowly peasants who ...

Category: 2020

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