my discipline is shit and other stories

Published February 28th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments »

Man I could have used that title so many times it's probably something I should be ashamed of being, but I am what I am and so that isn't something I will bug out over at this time.

I did sit down to write before my class yesterday but got distracted as I often do and realized I was running later than I wanted. I would report on the food I ate but does anyone really care? Uh, no. I am not some shining example of success in really any world at this point, BUT I am trying. Also, part of my delay was me dealing with something I have been practicing avoidance on, and those were my student loans. I made the call as I am now 90 days overdue and felt the burden shifting in my head and wondering what the heck I should do. I called, proposed a few different scenarios I am living and tbh--the $60k lottery win seems like it's just a dream. BUT--if I did win something that large it would have to go to pay that off so I could be a normal 40 something like most of my peers. One thing ...

Category: 2020

2/25/2020 Day 2

Published February 26th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments »

So yesterday I kind of gave my life early report for the day. After that I did my shower, didn't clean and left the house to paint lettuce. Let me explain that--I have noticed that most really great artists went through an entire evolution of skill and style. As someone who let their skill languish for most of the past 25 years, I am very out of practice. This is not to say I don't have any innate skill still because I do, but I am not someone who you'd be able to point out the that was something Deanna did kind of style. I want that style, so it does involve me painting things I am not attached to, which has actually turned out to be food. What I mean by that is who the hell is going to want a painting of my lettuce tacos? How about nobody. But painting lettuce tacos and food I am convinced will give me a different take on painting people or things I want to paint later on. Plus, there's a lot of color in my subjects--not your standard still life but usually reproduced photos from the meal boxes I ...

Category: 2020

So this is what happened DAY 1

Published February 25th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments »

So the musical jump kinda got me going a bit yesterday but I didn't do a few things on the list and kinda did the thing on the list I didn't even mention I wanted to be doing the first few days of this week. So I got done writing and thought, shit. I need to make that damn food I promised Don. He eats things like hot pockets and toaster oven pizza and I had mentioned I would make him some food as that is something I have a talent for, and pack it up and mail it off. So I made a meatball orzo roasted broccoli thing I kind of combined a few recipes to get, and a red lentil soup with spinach and turmeric that was pretty delicious and I threw some of my leftover Mediterranean quinoa so it would be more something in the bite. I am a texture queen, I need a few and usually something spicy or with some bite so I chopped up a bit of yellow onion to throw on the lentil quinoa goodness. Now I have to make some zucchini muffins and other stuff but frozen cubes of soup ...

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