
Published June 26th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments ยป

So...I am waiting here for the next call about the thing hanging out in my uterus, and I had my other appointment for the CT with the cardio-thoracic surgeon a little over an hour ago---dammit all, it's really going and the degradation from 2012 was apparently significant enough to warrant some major concern for the valve, so it will be a third time, unless I die first, of course. Six to twelve is the timeline there.

One hearty realization was the recognition I am going to have to seriously curb the stress in my life, which is super awesome and easy to do in a pandemic with neither of us working, of course, but we will figure it out. I think this new foray into social media might provide its own issues, but ultimately I just will have to be deliberate yet disciplined and just relegate the hate away to places where I don't have to simmer it in. That's the one thing I haven't been able to obtain complete immunity from--feeling badly due to someone else's words or actions, even with the understanding and I get it, only I can control my own reactions to things. But if ...

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