time for quiet or time to riot

Published June 4th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments ยป

Seems those are the two choices most of us have. One of my less evolved friends, meaning one of my republican friends tried to tell me she got called racist because she asked for things to just go back to normal. My response ultimately was, this is not your time to air your grievances, this is the time for us to be a bit quiet and listen--the platform right now should be respected for what it is. I told her none of us should want things to go back to normal after this and what happened to that man was murder and I do hope we get some change out of this. My idea of change involves changing the entire philosophy of what our police are to us--perhaps dissolving the idea in some ways and make some concessions that sometimes we don't need people who see their customers or clients or people they serve as enemy combatants--maybe change the way incidents are handled because there is certainly no need to act that way with anyone--we are not animals and we should not be handled like animals by our law enforcement especially, and we absolutely should hold them to ...

Category: 2020

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