May’s full of maybe

Published May 31st, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments ยป

Well, the world is on fire. Seems to be something we can say every once in a while with a sort of frequency that is a bit uncomfortable. But there are good things too in the midst of the shit storm. Don got his resume uploaded to the database and has already been contacted by two different people, one a nationwide recruiter who mentioned she had stuff in Colorado and all over the country, and another offer to discuss for Tampa--Florida I have some definite reservations with because it seems like a pretty unsafe place to be in terms of the climate and the crazy people, but warmer seems to be the theme he is going for over Colorado. He did send for Hawaii, though it will definitely be expensive so he will have to choose the job for the job and we might have to do some gymnastics to correct our course.

The great thing about moving is I have done it enough I am a bit of an expert--major state move 8 is Colorado though it's only the 7th state I have lived in so far--but clearly we have no children to worry about uprooting. Just another ...

Category: 2020

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