reading is good for you…

Published April 4th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments ยป

Man what a change a few days make. I've made a few jokes about this, but imagine if people had listened to me and done the masks weeks ago? We might be a little further along. I did log in to Facebook finally because I knew I had information people needed, and now I feel fucking guilty. If my paranoid ass, or really rational ass could have warned one person and saved one life, I would feel a hell of a lot better than I do. I know, I have the fucking websites and I do have content but I got another art project, two dogs to draw which have ruined the past few weeks. I was doing a copywriting class as well but again, priorities. People ask me to do shit and I have to do it, though I am a fucking procastinator for sure.

I will put this shit on coronaprone eventually, but let me just share the shit I know, since I do still use the internet as a research tool, whereas it seems everyone else uses it to kind of accidentally find shit out their friends share. I guess I could be considered a friend ...

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