April Fools

Published April 1st, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments ยป

I don't have any funny jokes because I am not that funny, though I'll admit the new news cracks me up. The circular thinking and reasoning on the mask issue is just insane. You literally went from them telling you only the sick should wear them to everyone should wear one, not to protect you from other people but to protect other people from yourself. Only in America would people gulp that up as some kind of elixir of truth and never question the mental gymnastics it took to even make those statements.

So, I am alone. but now a bunch of you are right there with me. I have seen 1 person I know aside from Don in 6 weeks as well as a girl who likes my dog. Aside from that, nobody calls me, nobody does any of the stuff you guys all seem to be scrambling to do. I am literally alone and if I did die, I would do that alone and my poor dog would be stuck with a dead body. But I would escape the embarrassment and complicated planning of any kind of funeral service, though I probably won't be droned into a ...

Category: 2020

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