and now we can talk about shit that matters

Published October 30th, 2017 in Pleasantly Positive | No Comments ยป

I've been in this existential crisis over the past few years trying to re-invent myself--by recognizing the shit around me, apparently--which when I cut it off right there without an explanation--seems pretty fucking stupid. I want a positive slant, a lifting spin on your designation, why the fuck would you constantly be looking at all the wrong shit?? I don't even know how the hell that came to be in my life--why and when did I get some entrenched in the news and its constant cycles of dread. I keep reading about this fear of missing out. I don't fear missing out on anything but information. I am usually so well read on current events that when people start talking about it, it's usually sunk into my consciousness a few days which really doesn't do a hell of a lot in terms of giving me any more peace, or piece-- of mind. It fills my brain, sure, but instead of my brain being filled with hopeful shit I am totally burning down houses and bridges and expectation of anything else but pure chaos. I am always a few days in front of most stories and honestly--being this in the ...

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