a flu shot to start the day

Published October 19th, 2017 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

6:15 this morning had me getting blood and a flu shot as a part of our yearly bio-metrics. I have a 31 inch waist and I weigh 138 pounds and a blood pressure that is too high--diastolic over systolic, right? 144/68 was it? I hadn't taken my medicine yet as I am lazy sometimes and walking to the grocery store is a better idea some days over others. Don was there and got his flu shot, too, though they aren't as concerned about his general health given he isn't the employee covering us. Don returned home last night with some good news--might be more of a future for him where he is without killing himself as they want him for an office NOC job, which he's done a billion times before so there you go. I still think we really might want to remedy our living position. The 500 square feet is one issue but there is possibility of a bigger space if things work as they should--but right now the conundrum is--paying roughly double what we are now to move or let him suffer through an insufferable commute in both directions. I really am waiting for the manned drone ...

Category: 2000-2011

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