Printmaking and snow drifts

Published February 7th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments ยป

Well, then. Looks like I am actually spending a lot of time with women who are retired taking these art classes that I am. I suppose it's easier to take them with older people precisely because they don't have the same starry-eyed expectation the young have with regards to where they'll go. Yesterday we carved some rubbery mats and this next week we are sketching on plexiglass which I am actually very interested in the outcomes of--I mean come on--I have my own sketching scratchy style so I would imagine my print will come out a little different than some. I wish I had access to the drive on Don's--he's got all my good photos from my trip to Europe I would totally love to paint. But I do think ultimately I might have more luck trying to dig through what I have or take a trip downtown to get a few new ones before my classes. I am pretty ready to continue my enjoyment and figure my shit out with these classes-next month is WordPress. Then hopefully I can get the sewing stuff done and start working on my table for next year's Christmas markets. I need ...

Category: 2020

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