it was my birthday. surprise!

Published October 24th, 2019 in 2019 | No Comments ยป

My birthday was Monday. I am not sure it was an aortaversary--that might have been yesterday given I was in surgery on my birthday and woke up several days later. This was year 24.

I am not particularly nostalgic with time, anniversaries, even birthdays I suck with, my own and others. Being nostalgic for time is not something ingrained into me as a kid, and as I got older, just even having any at all seemed lucky. I have watched enough people around me die of less in my life--I am not ungrateful for it, it just seems kind of wrong to celebrate anniversary years--somehow psychologically it seems unsound to mark yearly passes. I suppose I should be celebrating surviving, but I guess I have never been able to thrive. Surviving is just what happens when you don't give up. And I never ever fully have--though clearly I have had some obstacles along the way impeding some of my forward movement.

I even forgot my marriage anniversary--calling it a wedding would be suspect since it was just a paper signed in a lawyer's office. But it was 2/17/17. I was off by 8 days. hahaahah. Of course this is only ...

Category: 2019

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