the thing that’s true is everything changes when you do

Published October 11th, 2019 in 2019, Pleasantly Positive | No Comments ยป

I say that often enough. You want things to change, change something about what you are doing. Usually things change with us with the interrupting of another person's actions into our lives, as a lot of stuff probably up until now appeared like it was just set up to inconvenience when I should realize things have ultimately generally gotten better. Now I can admit I would take almost all responsibility for that aside from Don's talent---but I made a lot of shit even and equal and readied for him to enjoy the kind of success we might see. I made him do the taxes, get even with the murderer's debt and just calmed his life down a lot. All I know is nothing would have happened like this had it not been the perfect timing, which it absolutely was.

He is doing a temp assignment out of state that gave him certain authorizations to work anywhere now, and Hawaii is on the list and oh my God, can I really have the life I always dreamed to have, or am I insane? all I know is the rent for a 2 bedroom is the same between Hawaii and Denver, ...

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