the overload is my overloading

Published October 4th, 2019 in 2019 | No Comments ยป

Sometimes shit gets out of hand, and sometimes you have no goddamn hope. It's the way it is sometimes in this life and I am no stranger to the highs and lows. Certainly not everything has been shit, though outcomes sometimes tend to be, but I fucking try every day and I have been busting my ass for weeks working 6 days since he left that company. He found another job, in a different state, and I can't tell you I am excited for that, as we are certainly in no position to move. So he will be gone and I will be alone, hiding out as I tend to do, and thinking since my check is basically 2/3 what is was with 25% gross taken out, there will be no extras. Not for some time until he gets paid. He is working on something so fucking amazing for our lives I cannot complain, and I wouldn't anyways, because there is a lot to complain about outside of what work he does and where. The situation lends that solution because where he is working will be paying it forward for us, one can only hope. Like instantly being ...

Category: 2019

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