Trumpcare vs Obamacare

Published June 16th, 2017 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

I know I've sparsely written about this, but maybe I never really put it all in one place, boiled down and specific, worked through in even summary form for any of you to ponder. So yeah, we all know I am sick, or I've been sick in the general and specific sense of one's body defecting on itself and literally having my heart's vessels tear and bubble up, and from having clots burst on my brain in what appear to be black, quarter-sized dots on my MRIs. I've been "sick" like this, or affected like this, since I turned 19 in surgery the first time, some 20 or so years ago. We all know parts of the horror I experienced going through this, the hallucinations to the pain, but there were other things that came out of this I talk about, but really only to those closest to me because what the fuck, you can't bitch all the time, right? I am sure I could, but ultimately what getting sick at that age did was cement the fact that I would not have anything. I don't mean the things you can't buy, like love or happiness--I mean the things you can, like ...

Category: 2000-2011

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