Colorado dreaming of East coast Relief

Published October 6th, 2013 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

I suppose you could take that to mean a few things but I didn't get flooded or drowned out here due to the recent floods plaguing Colorado. And though I have yet to view a lot of the damage firsthand, I am set to help some friends here soon. Thing is these floods happened weeks ago and I barely hear anything about anyone outside of my friends' Facebook feeds which are largely empty because there are obviously better things to be doing.

The community here isn't very community in any way that I can see. Coming from a place with a non-existent line between groups which were just definable by location to a place which seems to pride itself on its separation has been very hard for me to acclimate to-simply because I don't play that clique game though they seem to be everywhere I go. I did yoga for a time but it's been a little while. That last stroke kinda left me a little less confident in some of my body's abilities. The yoga community is pretty cliquish in and of itself too. They claim to be open and one with the universe but they are largely one with ...

Category: 2000-2011

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