more from the man with the sick cam

Here are more from Jerome. Photo genius.

raining kitty puppy times ten

I like the rain. I’m not allergic to it. I embrace it. If it were November and icing perhaps I wouldn’t have run out with a tank top and my grandpa’s old blue windbreaker, but still. His windbreaker is wet. It smells like maybe he did. He’s been dead 3 years now. I wear my…

white bread wanderings and smash fingered typing

I keep promising I will construct this mini mantra of sorts… On one hand we have a pretty empty appartment, needing a good cleaning. The other, a sick little belly. Then there’s Eddie, who keeps calling and calling and calling and apparently needs some humiliation in terms of a beating, which he actually asked me…

dilly dally funkin trunk, get the fuck out of my girlie junk

I I I I…Lately I have been wondering as to my effectiveness and relevance in this whole cyclic pre-apocalyptic bullshit. I wandered northish Sunday early am, attended my sister’s graduation. People at least seemed to pretend that I may have felt slightly uncomfortable with the events that were transpiring. I had three panic attacks over…

yes, that was me you saw on insomniac

yes yes yes…To clear up any further questions or inquiries as to whether or not I was caught bartending at True for insomniac’s dave atell..And I made him the bitch…Seeing as how I never saw it, it isn’t my 15 minutes of fame.. Someone send me a freaking copy? I know I must have a…

my latexed ass went out tonight

saw my friend play tonight..some stuff for the crazy folks here in the city… and then me and my latexed ass and bjorn made the rounds n the city…Talked to some homo men with ugly teeth and coked-out eyes who were sporting the traditional kentucky hick rat tail mullet thing. The kind of thing that…

so yea that thing…the thing that will likely get me disowned…DENVER 2003

My grandfather disowned one of his sons and brothers because of some bullshit I never quite understood (being that I was 10 at the time)…So it’s not like it’s so out of family tradition to do so..I was threatened at 19 because I wanted to take a fucking bus to give a drawing that I…


So after being friskily awakened to make hOmOsexual moaning noises with the Francis in the midst of an 800 number phone call to customer service of the porn site Francis works for, I now have developed somewhat of a headache this morning…she decided that she wants to make a guest entry, so here it is……

who’s the bunny…and who forgot how to sleep like a normal person???

hahaha…. Anyhow, as I careen closer to the menstrual flow time, it become apparent to me I turn into a mega bitch who cannot deal within the first few days of the flow… I talked with V tonight about how my hatred for women will never allow me to be with them in a romantic…

damn yo, it’s like 1984 all over again

So there’s this new code enabled to warn you if someone wants to track your ass visiting their page, along with some info on other user specifications meaning one does not use the tracking to record in any way shape or form… ick I really don’t want to do it… And in fact, I really…

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