damn yo, it’s like 1984 all over again

Published April 29th, 2002 in 2000-2011 | No Comments »

So there's this new code enabled to warn you if someone wants to track your ass visiting their page, along with some info on other user specifications meaning one does not use the tracking to record in any way shape or form...


I really don't want to do it...

And in fact, I really don't want to deal with the questions some visitation but no recording would entail....

So that's why I'm not gonna post or decide not to post in some of my bunnie's forums...

I, like before, have said this public community turned private shit has really aggravated me to no end..Maybe I'm old, maybe I just don't need to talk to anyone that bad.

Do I have anything to hide?...Do I go swaggering around random pages without posting forum entries..Yea, I do. More often than not if I don't know you, I rarely make a commentary unless there's something to be said...

I just hate wasting time..and I also fucking despise how everything has been turned into a big spying mess..what with nyc hooking up more and more cameras at every corner to track your every move, and then there's the implanted microchip which means anonymity and the like will soon be defunct..

Excuse ...

Category: 2000-2011

new shitass with the new shit hair

Published April 27th, 2002 in 2000-2011 | No Comments »

I tend to manifest my changes in terms of a major make-over of sorts..hair usually is the victim most obvious..

While tattooing may have been an ok answer for me at points, I think if I had tattooed a symbol of every new change, every new turning point in my life, I would have ended up painted, scratched on, scarred with small little wounds of minor pains I have been through...

In terms of being a constant ever-changing person, I think as lameass as it sounds, that my hair is like the beating ground..I change it up, mix it up, fuck it up, when shit hits the fan and I need to re-assess the shit around me..Be it with relationships, situations, in this case, unemployment of sorts...

I really just like assuming new personalities..And as a blonde I have found it easier to obtain employment looking like some semblence of drew than the regular red that has been my trademark at points...Is it a matter of getting the job I deserve because it's a job that values and enables my abilities to utilize my intelligence?. hell, no.

I really don't give a fuck, to tell you the truth..As a woman I have found that ...

Category: 2000-2011

retardation in circles

Published April 25th, 2002 in 2000-2011 | No Comments »

I have come to the conclusion that persuing or perusing the men in my life has brought me nothing but incompletion and degradation in terms of who what when where why how...You never know what you want, and when you have what you say you were looking for it seems that is is never enough..

Am I enough? I generally tend to think that I am more than a mouthful and certainly have enough in a rationalizing brain working capacity to fulfill whatever wants are requested by the opposite sex..Unfortunately, it never seems to be enough..And there is that thing, the arrogance the completeness of a man in a relationship which I find appealing, be it the confidence, the completness resonating past the physical spirit to be encapsulated in a person that I find appealing..What I want to know is why this completeness never is exuded by the ones I choose to involve myself with?..And it isn't that I don't understand it..Last year was a string of people who didn't exude that confident bounty but were more reserved and seemingly lost in the slew of faces and ever-changing names...And then it seems that their hearts reside in the past..Not the present, ...

Category: 2000-2011

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