so what’s going on in her world?

Published October 9th, 2008 in 2000-2011 | 14 Comments »


Aside from perpetual money worrries and fear that my company will go down the toilet like the rest of America—some things worth mentioning, others not so much.

It’s not like I wouldn’t enjoy unemployment. I would be saving quite a bit and be able to go to school full time come Spring with school-filed health insurance. I would be angry, however, that I didn’t get to work here long enough to get those three weeks of paid vacation (which happens as of January 1). I wouldn’t feel useless, or as friends of mine have remarked, like I was milking the system. I mean, I have been working on the books since I was 15. I contribute so sometimes milking it is really ok. Whatever would happen after? I am sure I would end up as a waitress in some shady restaurant until I was done getting educated. I certainly don’t need a time/health insurance filler with school like it is.

I am not loving school right now, unfortunately. This might be because I took not enough courses, thereby allowing me to be slightly “lazy”, or it might be the courses. Or it might be the fact that trying to go to school in the midst of a breakup/move and still recovering from the seizure left me a little more winded than I thought I would be. All I know is I am perpetually tired. So beautifully tired I could sleep pretty much anywhere, anytime, and in any position. Strange? Maybe. I sometimes wake up feeling like a pretty pretty princess. These are the days when I am held for most of the night and morning, and being spooned up against and held near always feels nice.

Yes, he’s still around. My initial crushing has evolved into something that both of us know we can’t talk too much about. By talking about it, I give it a name..limiting the situation. Or maybe not. All I know is  I am used to dissecting and ruining “relationships” by being too gung ho about talking about every single little detail. And then there is my propensity of finding things I like while finding things I despise at the same time. I really REALLY like this one. The most caring and lovely person. Funny as hell–not overly nice. He pulls the dick out every once in a while for “appreciation”. I think he just knows how to work the girls…be too nice and they end up hating you, be too mean and they end up hating you. I am pretty sure his fondness for me isn’t exactly limiting or limited…

My apartment is finally unpacked. Still need that coffee table and bookshelves. Got that fridge. Won’t be ok for another few months financially. People right now are still vain little fucks who want their skin cream so I still have a job.

Tomorrow I fly to Denver for a few days..I don’t have a ton of time. I should see my cousins and their new babies. But my family hates me anyways so…I don’t know. My little sister is getting married. I will be too hot to trot. I swear there will be pictures this time, unlike every other time I forget to post them. I am also skinny as hell again. I lost most of the weight through food reductions (unnatural, I know). I put on my 4’s the other day and they fit, so you know how it goes. I also tried on the most fantastic dress with a very fit very awesome 28 inch waist. 28 probably seems big to most of you. But when you are 5’10, 28 is pretty freakin skinny. If I lost 10 more pounds I would be a definitive 4.

The youth (FS) and I want to go somewhere nice in a few weekends…any recommendations in New England or New Yawk for landscape painting? We want to have a painting date where we both simultaneously paint but want some beautiful secret places. We will be driving.

Category: 2000-2011

14 Responses to “so what’s going on in her world?”

  1. Thanks for the update. I am really glad to hear that your life is going so well, and that you are happy.

    I’ve been meaning to tell you this, but unfortunately Thanksgiving is not going to be an option for me this year. Sorry, Francis. I have to finish one of the 2 Incompletes I took last year by the end of this Fall semester (otherwise it turns into an “F,” which I cannot allow to happen), and I also have to prepare my paper for the MLA Convention in San Fran in December. The only time I will have to complete both of these is during Thanksgiving break, so….

    Tell Fabricio I said “hello.”


    • deanna says:


      I am sorry you cannot come. I don’t know what Thanksgiving will be. I can’t come up there because I have to work that Friday due to the fact that I had to empty all of my vacation and sick time during the summer for my seizure.


      I don’t talk to anyone who has come in the past. They don’t call or hang out like they used to.

      I will probably hang out downstairs at the restaurant or bar and get drunk or something. fun fun fun. not.

      • What about Fabricio?

        • deanna says:

          Ah, he has family. His mother is still in town then I think (she lives part time in Uruguay) and his brother as well. I would never invade on anyone’s family tradition…I never did it with Eddie (though the invite was always a last minute if you have nothing to do kind of thing), and I am not going to do it with him by trying to coerce him into my corner for the day. It’s actually ok because maybe I will make myself some food and then do Thanksgiving day kinds of things. Like go see a movie!

          I hope your roommates are around for you or you can manage some type of family excursion.

          • I hope your roommates are around for you or you can manage some type of family excursion.

            No time for this. That’s the whole point. It’s really only a few days, and I desperately need it to work. So I will be in my room, working.

            I’m sure if Fabricio invites you to his family dinner it’s because he wants you there, Francis.

          • deanna says:

            Yes yes, that is the whole point isn’t it. I wasn’t sure that you would have no time to do anything.

            …I’m sure thinking anything about Thanksgiving shit is getting way too ahead of myself and everything.

            Don’t worry Francis. We both might end up doing the same thing! But Asa and I will call you to interrupt for a nice hello!

  2. moonlitlake says:

    Wha?? Wait. You aren’t with… what was his name Eddie… anymore?
    And you are with someone new? I wondered about the moving and you being.. in California?
    I must have missed something major somewhere. All I knew was you were having health problems. I’m sorry… that must have been a really rough time for you w/all of this too.

    I take it you are still in NY though…?

    • deanna says:

      Yes. I am still in New Jersey (right across from NYC–you can see it from where we are).

      I left Eddie because things were not as they should be for a couple almost together 4 years…every aspect of the relationship was a bit spoiled…as in rotten. It’s a long story I might feel compelled to write about one day, but it will probably be under a pen name.

      My health is always stupid. I just expect it. Beyond that everything is good. I always read your political commentary though I’ve been out of it lately (out of wanting to write about it).

      I hope you are well!!!

      • moonlitlake says:

        Well I’m glad you came out the other side ok and have been able to move on in a positive way. :)You’re a strong girl despite the health stuff.
        Not much either one of us can do about that aspect…
        I’m doing good. Getting much better now that I’m off the Plavix. Life is getting back to normal and my prior energy levels are starting to return. I’m also much more coherent taking the Losartan vs. the Metoprolol. I still take a little of the latter, but not as much as before.

        • deanna says:

          I take 100 of cozaar (losartan) and 50 of the toprol but it was supposed to be 100…I lowered it on my own…plavix is a blood thinner, no?

          All of my medicines make me tired and incoherent. No fun at all I tell ya.

          I’m glad you are feeling better though! :)))

          • moonlitlake says:

            Wow that’s a hefty dose you are on there. Good with the losartan though.. That’s stuff seems like it’s a miracle drug for the marfs.
            I used to take 75 mg of the metoprolol morning and evening.
            Now it is 50 cozaar in morning w/25 of metoprolol and 25 of cozaar in evening and 25 of metoprolol.
            I’ve found that I actually feel better with just a bit more metoprolol (like a quarter tablet)… at least in how shaky I am. Of course, like you said… it doesn’t give one much of a spark. More like a dimly glowing ember. 😉

            The plavix differs from the warfarin in that it is anti-platelet. I’m not sure how the action of the two drugs is different, but warfarin is just classified as an anticoagulant. I had bruises head to toe when I was taking the two together. It was really weird… especially to think they were just worried about advil with the warfarin. Hello. Needless to say, everyone was a bit worried when my uterus decided to work overtime running three shifts a month. OY. I’m SO glad that is over…

            Definitely better, thanks.. Hope things continue in that vein for you as well.

  3. iam_hooked says:

    School is killing me and I only took 2 classes 🙁

    I hate my job but since I work in the collections office I guess I’ll have job security in this economy. It just sucks that my 401k has dropped 5k in the past 4 days.

    Glad things are going well though, hang in there.

    • deanna says:

      I just don’t care right now, as stupid as that sounds. I should have taken the semester off, but shit happens.

      I am not sure what has happened to my 401k. Hopefully it’s not overly slaughtered…but it’s money I don’t think about anyhow…

      • iam_hooked says:

        I have that feeling about school a lot, sometimes it just gets overwhelming, especially when there’s a lot going on in your personal life.

        Don’t sweat it, it’ll come back up eventually, it’s just the way the market works, it’s just scary to see.

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