sleeping and unpacking and unsleeping and packing

Published September 18th, 2008 in 2000-2011 | 3 Comments »

i have a sleeping affinity unmatched by most.

i love to slide into my bed and pass out…and this new bed makes it INCREDIBLY hard not to pass out as soon as my body gets assimilated. it’s one of those tempurpedic ones where your body molds into the mattress, effectively cupping your every bit…so that you literally feel like you are encased in molasses. this is why I chose the bed in the first place–testing it out in the store, it actually made me feel tired and comfortable.

I got  home last night and cleaned a tiny bit. hung out with the pups. I am still extremely intimidated by the unpacking I need to do. though i can function in clutter, this is not clutter, this is an atomic bomb of boxes and bags and clothing that needs organization. i need bookshelves and organizational tools. i need an assistant. i told one of my coworkers this tonight and he took my phone number. what a nice guy to think of offering…but I don’t think he will make it over. but one never knows.

so yes, then i sat reading for a while. then i thought about mimesis and tried to wrap my head around that for a while. then I turned on the news…and forgot I had to go get my medicine–walked the 10 blocks for that, came back with my ramen and reeses and sweet tea dinner. I really need a refrigerator. my life’s everything would up quite a bit with that.

I think I am going to take myself out to dinner tonight downstairs at my place. there’s this little italian restaurant that has a special–unlimited pasta and a glass of wine for $7.95. I would definitely not need an unlimited dish. I just think it’s a sleek little marketing trick. and I haven’t had the food there yet. and Ramen kind of sucks two days in a row. as it is I eat Subway every single lunch…it’s C’s and my best way to eat a $2.50 lunch.

I decided today that I need to definitely stick with my art even if I am doing other stuff academically and with work. Though I always thought it would be a dream to create for a living, I still have that whole ideology further fostered by my mother’s insistence–artists have a hard time making money. At one point I was really good. I need to get back there again. Plus Mr. Hirsch’s sales lately have somewhat awe inspiring in a sliding economy. But writing and film studies could open the door to other areas and arenas–from installation to film work. I re-read my story of Liza and Aiden the other day–it’s ok for a first screenplay (and a first act too). I mean, I am obviously biased. But it was one of those things that I hadn’t looked at in two years and re-read it and was like, damn. where did you come up with all that?

But I am thinking of turning Liza and Aiden into a short or longgg story first. Then I will see about the rest.

I need my bike back from the old place, but don’t want to see anyone affiliated…bleh.

Category: 2000-2011

3 Responses to “sleeping and unpacking and unsleeping and packing”

  1. iam_hooked says:

    I’m jealous about the mattress, I’m long over due for a new one since mine is 10 years old and it was a cheap model to begin with. Best mattress I slept on was at the Sheraton in Atlantic City, I just couldn’t figure out how to fit it in my suitcase 😛

    • deanna says:

      yeah, 10 years is a pretty long time. This is my fourth in ten years, though some were sacrificed to dogs who liked to tear shit up, an ex boyfriend and normal wear. This one is supposed to last 10 years, but I am not sure about that. The dude said it depended on how I treated it–what kind of “wear and tear” I exposed it to.

      hahaah. So many places to go that way.

      I spent $600 for the mattress, box, frame, delivery and setup. Not a ton of money and a 10 year guarantee, but I know it will be replaced by then.

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