buh da buh da buh bup

buh da buh da buh bup   I don’t know why I am all subversive sometimes. I have some friends I have made off of bme over the years, but it remains completely true that despite the whirlwind activity of the underground mod community in nyc, I have no friends who are tattooed or pierced…

good god, I have become this freaking gym

I came in early again to my little workplace, much invigorated by the countless hours I spend here. It’s an alright place to work, and this gym boasts one of the most diverse groups of people I have ever seen sweatin’ it out. That and the eye candy on occasion doesn’t disturb the eyes to…

la la la

So yes, I have been accused, and rightly so, of being a negative being. Call it a creature of habit, whatever. I TRY to see the glass as half-full, and I do my best not to under-appreciate circumstances around me. One thing I cannot get around is how continued lying by my surgeons is not…

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