happy barf day to me

There’s that whole idea that we have to spend our birthdays every year in a perpetual state of contemplation; judging the past year for our accomplishments, mistakes, and the justification that we have survived another year. For me this birthday is especially significant especially considering I was in surgery 8 years ago, went through my…

apples, spot, and the two deliquents

Sometimes you walk away from a situation with less energy, and more drain slipping down. For me today, the inspiration to fully take advantage of a day off is almost a joke; I got the speech yesterday about my inability to really get excited and remain focused on my job. While selling gym memberships is…

drained, sprained and named

So my weekend was full of drama and too much emotion to stomach so well, but that’s ok. My birth mother and her mother were in town for the first time together. Her mother spent a good deal of time shedding the guilt she has carried in tears because she made Barbara give me up….

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