2020 is a new thing coming to…

Published December 11th, 2019 in 2019 | No Comments ยป

So I have to admit, my webcam ass has not been online since I was in my 20's. I realized that's actually a really weird thing to get over. Now, everyone uses filters and fancy things to make themselves look great. And I am not really ready to do that simply because I don't want to have to learn anything more than I already have to, which is just basic editing of features for length and clarity. I still am a little lost on WP formatting, which I realize I will be able to work on learning later. It just seems that there is always something in the way to my forward movement. Whereas now it is not a job, my mother has harassed me to paint a fucking barn, which is actually going just about as great as you would expect from someone who does art once every few years when their mother commissions or enlists them to do something for her. I realize this new life I am living is pretty free, but there are always obligations. I think I am on version like 6 of this stupid painting fiasco. I don't even want to do ...

Category: 2019

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