the drafts are endless, but it’s the drunk one I put up

Published March 27th, 2018 in Pleasantly Positive | No Comments »

Man I am telling you one of these days I am going to have to organized this more beyond the waxings and bitchings of Miss D. I have so many different drafts right now--so many times I sit down here to write, and then abandon it because I go to watch what train wreck is on Dr Phil, or work annoys me and I have to get up from the desk I sit at for 8 hours a day. It can be a bit tedious and there is the factor of sunlight in this room, a giant grow light which could legitimately grow some serious crops in the corner. It helps but it doesn't make my literal ass feel better. Anyways, last night I was drunk and decided to post what I would normally not--there's no reason to not celebrate more than that shit--because life is getting measurably better, save for the $18,000 ER bill soon to be doubled by that second blood blister explosion from the badly sewn stitches to start. Whatever--there's some time to work bankruptcy in but again--these strategies I was trying to save for expected hospitalizations---BUT--maybe I will get to 58. Maybe I won't live 8 more ...

Spring Renewals Mean Renewing it All

Published March 27th, 2018 in 2015 and beyond | No Comments »

Spring has sprung--and over here, with the children all over, seems to be a good thing coming. Life is really good for us at the end of the day. We are surviving, we are thriving in the best ways we can given the circumstances. The thing I recognize about my situation is the broken heart. Given the circumstances of dissection, living through a second brutal abandonment is a challenge we met, and the place we live in now, such a far cry from the nothing of the end of the day I took the rotten lemons and made a lemonade that has been an easy down for the both of us. At this point, though we might be a little bit lonely--everything about our situation has improved. We pay over double what we paid over there at the end of the day, with the rent here and storage, and it feels like we are getting so much more out of the arrangement, I would NEVER set foot in another property of theirs, no matter what the circumstance. Not interested in anything they are doing, period. We are doing some amazing shit, even still--we are going on a super fantastic river cruise in ...

Category: 2015 and beyond

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