When Timing Exists Perfectly to Fuck You: My Dog was Taken

Published February 20th, 2015 in hearts | 2 Comments ยป

I cannot even explain the frustration and deep pull of my heart in my chest right now. It is truly a heavy fucking weight right now, and is probably not the best thing for me to be enduring right now either.

I had an aortic stent surgery a month or so ago...and getting everyone to give me the go ahead for work and for reimbursement for my STD (that's Short Term Disability) has been a disaster that has likely contributed to the dog being missing from my life today. Trying to heal from that is one thing--trying to heal my broken heart is quite another.

He went missing on Tuesday, and we discovered it driving around calling his name, within an hour of his escape. I went home and put a Craigslist ad up right away as I didn't have my phone, having sacrificed it earlier in the month after it refused to charge. Not wanting to upgrade and get myself another two years with this phone company, I have to wait for the fucking check so I can buy one retail. So I had no cell phone to show anyone, just asked people around if ...

Category: hearts

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