7 days from my possible end of existence

Man it’s gonna totally suck if I die because I think finally people are starting to want to pay attention or listen to me. I am the most interesting person you don’t know.I kid, there are absolutely people wayyy more interesting than me but I’ve got my own opinions on most things-I feel in some…

I’m exhausted: emotionally spent

Sometimes I want to just ramble, and there are times like today I wish I could just pass out for a few days. I keep waking up at the witching hour, that horrid time between 3-4 am and I am unable to convince myself to go back to sleep. I start thinking, overthinking and getting…

I finally did it: she’s on YouTube

So…I know you’ve missed me. No you haven’t ya liars. Anyways…I did the thing I told you I was going to do. I migrated the site over to the other opposing site: scarsandhearts.comI also have started a VLOG. JFC I know, definitely not as cute as I used to be (I AM 45 now somehow?!?!)…

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